Include Massage Therapy in your New Year’s Resolutions

fireworks-smThe end of December is near and Christmas has passed. New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. As old as the tradition of watching the ball drop in Times Square, there is our New Year’s Resolution.

Common resolution list items might look like this:

  • “I’m going to go to the gym 3 times a week.”
  • “I’m going to eat healthier.”
  • “I’m going to work less and relax more.”

More often that not ,we find ourselves falling behind on our resolutions before January is even over. Our intentions mean well. We are trying to take better care of ourselves and achieve a better work-life balance. But sometimes, we try to achieve those goals the wrong way.

New Year’s Resolution and Massage 

Instead of filling your resolution with activities that feel obligatory or require too much of your time right away, try easing into a healthier lifestyle by incorporating more enjoyable items, like massage, into your routine.

According to the American Bodywork and Massage Professionals website, massage can:

  • help alleviate back pain and improve range of motion,
  • ease medication dependence,
  • enhance the immune system by stimulating lymph flow,
  • increase joint flexibility,
  • lessen depression and anxiety conditions,
  • and much, much more.
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