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Mon 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Tue 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Thu 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Fri 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Clients seen by appointment only
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“Why is Massage so Essential?”-
What can Massage Therapy treat?
asthma arthritis baby massage back pain buergers’ disease bursitis cancer carpal tunnel syndrome cerebral palsy child massage chronic fatigue syndrome chronic edema chronic pain compression syndromes contusions contractures cramps depression/grieving process degenerative disc disease diabetes digestive complaints/ constipation dislocations dupuytrens’ contracture dysmennorhea edema emphysema fibromyalgia/ chronic fatigue fibrositic breast pain, breast injuries, congestion and swelling fibrositis and fibrosis foot/plantar fasciitis/ples … Continue reading
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Will the massage oils used make me break-out?
Most massage therapists use hypoallergenic massage oils or lotions. However, if you have sensitivity to certain types of oils or lotion please bring it to the massage therapist’s attention as most practitioners have an assortment of oils and lotions available.
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Where will my massage session take place?
Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.
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I have some health conditions, is it okay for me to get a massage?
Your massage therapist will require you to fill out a health history form. Afterwards, the therapist will begin by asking you general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, whether there are any conditions that need to be addressed and to determine if massage is appropriate for you. Your massage therapist may perform certain assessments and testing
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Is a massage always appropriate?
No. There are several medical conditions that would make massage inappropriate. That’s why it is necessary that you fill out the health history forms before you begin your session. The massage therapist will ask general health questions to rule out if you have any contraindications to massage. It is very important that you inform the practitioner of any health problems
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